Press release 3rd Sep 2020

21 June 2021

Northern Ireland Assembly Commission nominates new Assembly Commissioner for Standards.

The Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly and Chair of the Assembly Commission, Alex Maskey, MLA, said, “I am pleased to confirm that the Assembly Commission has identified Dr McCullough for appointment as the new Assembly Commissioner for Standards.
“The independent role of the Commissioner for Standards is central to ensuring that MLAs uphold the highest standards of conduct in public life. Over the past 15 years, Dr McCullough has worked as an academic in law, ethics and professionalism in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The Assembly Commission is confident that her experience leaves her well equipped to perform this vital role.”
The Assembly Commission has today asked the Business Committee to schedule the motion for debate at the Assembly sitting on Monday, 7 September 2020, when MLAs will be given the opportunity to agree Dr McCullough’s formal appointment.